martes, 29 de enero de 2013

Describing Places

                                                   Municipio de Yolombó

Yolombo is a very friendly town, located at the Northeast Antioquia at 94 km from the city of Medellin, the people are friendly, caring, has very beautiful scenery, its places of interest are:
the Temple
The Cemetery Obelisk
The Emerald Waterfalls
Spout Bridge
The Cerro de Cristo Rey

Gentile: Yolombinos
Names: Cradle of Citizenship and Culture
             Land of the Marquesa
             Emporio Panelero

                                                                  My House

my house is a place to share with your family, she felt very satisfied and happy, their distribution is as follows:


Here we have the bed, Nocheros, a couch, the TV, a closet, a space for relaxation, to share with my husband and children.

                                                                   the Bathroom

have a shower, a bath, a jacusy, space is very airy and bright, this helps me to hacearme, relax, get organized.

                                                                    the Chamber

we have two sofas, a table, a pog, pictures, rest and serve it to our friends, is wide, bright and fresh.

                                                                 the cusine

is small, light, with the necessary elements to prepare our food.

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